Excision of Morton’s neuroma in Russia (4 hospitals, prices 2024, addresses and photos of clinics, etc.)

Excision of Morton’s neuroma in Russia

Excision of Morton's neuroma - surgical removal of the thickened sheath of the plantar nerve in the interval between the bases of the III-IV, less often II-III metatarsal bones. Indications for intervention are persistent pain, discomfort and numbness of the toes with the ineffectiveness of conservative therapy. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, includes skin incision, separation of underlying tissues, isolation and excision of the neuroma, suturing and drainage of the wound. In the postoperative period, short-term hospitalization is possible to reduce the risk of developing inflammatory complications.
  • Average cost of Excision of Morton’s neuroma in Russian hospitals
    from $1500
Indicated cost is approximate. Accurate price of Excision of Morton’s neuroma in certain clinic you can ask our managers.

4 Hospitals

Here you can find information about Russian hospitals that carry out Excision of Morton’s neuroma.
Hospital accepts
Inpatient department
Types of wards
Intensive care unit
Online consultations with doctors
Additional services
National Medical Research Center named after V.A.Almazov
The uniqueness of the Center lies in the harmonious combination of fundamental and applied research in various fields with the provision of multidisciplinary specialized, including high-tech, medical care to the population and continuous interdisciplinary training of scientific and medical personnel.
Visa assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

Medical Center “Rainbow of Health”
The specialists of our medical center, using a special approach to treating each patient, coupled with modern technologies, help you and your children to be healthy.
Burdenko National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery
The National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery named after Academician N.N.Burdenko is the leading neurosurgical institution of the Russian Federation, the leading neurosurgical clinic in the world with a rich history, the most modern equipment and a unique professional team.
Visa assistance
Accomodation assistance
Sechenov Moscow Medical University Clinical Center
Clinical Center of the First Moscow State Medical University is one of the three largest university clinics in Europe. The priority of the University Clinical Center is the provision of high-tech and specialized medical care by highly qualified specialists. More than 50% of surgical operations performed at the Clinical Center are endovideosurgical or robotic.

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