Cardiovascular diseases - treatment in Russia
Cardiovascular diseases are currently considered the most common cause of disability and early mortality in economically prosperous Western countries. According to statistics, the percentage of deaths from cardiovascular diseases is 40-60% annually of the total number of deaths.
The main symptoms that allow one to suspect the development of cardiovascular diseases are pain that occurs behind the sternum and radiates to the left shoulder or scapula, shortness of breath, persistently high blood pressure (BP over 140/90 mm Hg), tachycardia (heart rate more than 100 beats per minute) or bradycardia (pulse less than 50 beats per minute), interruptions in heart rate, edema. When the first signs of heart and vascular diseases appear, in order to avoid the development of persistent disorders and complications, you should immediately consult a cardiologist. In the initial period of the development of the disease, restoration of functions is achieved more easily and with lower doses of drugs.
Currently, cardiology has reached a new level of equipping with the most modern equipment for quick and early diagnosis and timely treatment of cardiovascular pathology. The main diagnostic methods in cardiology are: phonocardiography, electrocardiography (ECG), echocardiography (ultrasound of the heart), daily ECG monitoring. They allow you to assess the contractile function and condition of the heart muscle, cavities, valves and blood vessels of the heart. Over the past several decades, new methods of examining patients with cardiopathology have been actively developing: sounding of the cardiac cavities and angiocardiography, which make it possible to diagnose and plan operations on the heart and coronary vessels.
Modern technologies and methods of treating cardiac pathology make it possible to cope with heart diseases that were considered incurable yesterday. With a heart transplant today, cardiology is saving the lives of many desperate patients.
The main direction in the complex of preventive measures to prevent heart disease is optimal physical activity, rejection of bad habits, exclusion of nervous overload and stress, healthy eating and good rest.
If you haven’t find the disease you are searching for or you have any other questions our managers are ready consult you free of charge 24/7
62 Hospitals
Here you can find information about Russian hospitals that treat Cardiovascular diseases.
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