All about treatment in Russia (hospitals, sanatoriums, prices 2025, reviews, doctors, methods, etc.)

All about treatment in Russia

Russia offers treatment for both adults and children in all areas of medicine and cost of treatment in Russia is much cheaper than in Europe or USA.

40 hospitals
44 hospitals
26 hospitals
60 hospitals
29 hospitals
39 hospitals
52 hospitals
27 hospitals
59 hospitals
57 hospitals
4 hospitals
72 hospitals
On our platform you will find information about 127 Hospitals from 35 cities of Russia. International departments of hospitals provide a translator, transfers and help with accommodation and visas. English-speaking hospital managers are available 24/7.
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1 hospitals
1 hospitals
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2 hospitals
2 hospitals
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1 hospitals
Sanatorium is a medical and prophylactic institution for the treatment of patients with predominantly natural therapeutic physical factors (climate, mineral waters, etc.) in combination with physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and therapeutic nutrition, subject to a certain regimen, ensuring full treatment and rest of patients. Sanatoriums in Russia are in every region of our country, and both natural factors and modern technical equipment are used for treatment and prevention. On our platform you will find information about 23 Sanatoriums from 11 regions of Russia.
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1 sanatoriums
5 sanatoriums
1 sanatoriums
1 sanatoriums
1 sanatoriums
2 sanatoriums
5 sanatoriums
1 sanatoriums
1 sanatoriums
1 sanatoriums

Russia is a leader in the treatment of many diseases. During the treatment, doctors use both classical and innovative methods.

Oleg Ponimatko photo Treatment in Russia

About Us

Our web platform is a project of the well-known omnichannel medical tourism company MedicaTour Ltd.

We are glad to welcome you here where you can find all the information about treatment in Russia. Hospitals’ and sanatoriums’ managers by themselves fill out all information about their medical institutions on our website and manage its pages.

And also our specialists and doctors are ready to answer your questions 24/7. All our work is free. You pay only for treatment procedures directly to hospital.

Oleg Ponimatko, Founder of TreatmentRussia.Com