Colon diseases - treatment in Russia
The most common reasons for the development of proctological problems are constipation, a sedentary lifestyle, dietary habits (abuse of spicy, flour, fatty foods, alcohol), pregnancy and childbirth, stress, congenital malformations, trauma. They lead to intestinal inflammation, impairment of its motor function and microflora, trauma to the mucous membrane, and dilatation of the veins of the distal intestine. This is how diseases of the colon and rectum, anus occur: colitis, cryptitis, papillitis, paraproctitis, anal fissures, hemorrhoids, dysbiosis, polyps and condylomatosis of the rectum and anal canal, epithelial coccygeal passage, etc.
Common manifestations of proctological diseases are abdominal pain, discomfort and itching of the anus, diarrhea or constipation, proctalgia, the presence of blood in the stool, mucopurulent discharge from the anus.
The delicacy of the problem and the feeling of bashfulness lead to the fact that many patients prefer to endure for a long time and do not seek medical help. Meanwhile, proctological diseases cause physical and psychological discomfort and can lead to serious damage to the body as a whole. The most dangerous consequences of diseases of the colon, rectum and anus are the involvement of the organs of the genitourinary system and the upper parts of the digestive tract in the pathological process, purulent-septic complications. Many proctological diseases serve as a background for the development of malignant neoplasms. Therefore, a visit to the proctologist should be made when the first suspicious symptoms appear.
Modern proctology uses high-precision and safe diagnostic techniques that allow the doctor to make the correct diagnosis: digital examination of the rectum, instrumental endoscopic methods (colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, anoscopy), X-ray examination (irrigoscopy), clinical and bacteriological laboratory methods (blood tests, coprogram, biopsy of neoplasms and tissues), computed and magnetic resonance imaging. Many diagnostic methods require special preparation of the large intestine, freeing it from feces by setting a cleansing enema or taking a laxative.
Treatment of proctological diseases is based on an integrated basis. It includes nutritional therapy, physiotherapy, psychotherapeutic procedures, antibacterial therapy, and, if indicated, surgery.
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