1 Hospitals in Korolev, Russia (prices 2024, photos, addresses and specializations of clinics, etc.)

Hospitals in Korolev

Korolev is a city in the Moscow region, located northeast of Moscow, 5 km from the Moscow Ring Road along the Yaroslavl highway. It is also called the space capital of Russia. The city forms the city district of the same name, being the only settlement in its composition. The climate of the city of Korolyov is moderately continental. In winter, it is a little colder here than in Moscow, cooler in summer, not so hot and stuffy. In contrast to the capital, there is less precipitation. The coldest month is January, the warmest is July. Thaws are frequent in December.
Here you can find information about 
1 hospitals 
located in Korolev.
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Inpatient department
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Intensive care unit
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MedicaMente in Korolev, Moscow Region, is a multidisciplinary family clinic where all family members can apply for a quality solution to health problems, diagnostics of diseases, consult a family doctor or a narrow specialist. MedicaMente provides a full range of medical care for adults and children in 54 medical areas.