Teeth Diseases - treatment in Russia
Dental diseases of the teeth are a group of pathologies that affect the enamel, gums, oral cavity, as well as the jaw and chewing muscles. Dentists call them harmless to humans, since the percentage of deaths is negligible. However, it is these disorders that determine the general well-being of the patient: they affect self-esteem, the inner feeling of comfort.
Experts recommend not to start the situation and closely monitor the condition of the dentition. Due attention helps to avoid the occurrence of serious complications, as well as to promptly identify defects that need correction.
The health of teeth, gums and oral cavity depends on a huge number of factors that combine the lifestyle of a person as a whole and the impact on his health of the environment. To varying degrees, the following elements have a direct impact on dental health:
- Nutrition. The diet, quality and nature of the foods consumed affect the condition of the teeth. Tooth enamel is sensitive to drinks and food that are too hot or too cold; excessively hard foods can damage the integrity of the tooth.
- Hygiene. If the rules of oral hygiene are not followed, pieces of food that have not been removed become the cause of the multiplication of bacteria, provoking the process of decay. Improper brushing of teeth contributes to the accumulation of plaque, the formation of tartar, etc.
- Diseases. Inflammatory processes in the mouth or nasopharynx can aggravate existing dental problems or provoke new ones. In addition, chronic infection weakens the body’s defenses, reducing immunity.
- Environmental factors. The quality of the water used for cooking and drinking directly affects the health of the oral cavity and the body as a whole.
In Russian clinics, dentists successfully treat diseases of the teeth and gums and strongly recommend that if a pain symptom, inflammation or other discomfort occurs, immediately contact dentistry!
If you haven’t find the disease you are searching for or you have any other questions our managers are ready consult you free of charge 24/7
40 Hospitals
Here you can find information about Russian hospitals that treat Teeth Diseases.
Available online consultations with doctors
Available online consultations with doctors