Psychiatry in Russia (22 hospitals, prices 2025, addresses and photos of clinics, etc.)

Psychiatry in Russia

Psychiatry is a branch of clinical medicine that deals with the study, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disorders. In addition, psychiatrists carry out forensic psychiatric examination and decide on the isolation of persons with mental illness and behavioral disorders that pose a danger to themselves and others. The field of activity of psychiatrists partially overlaps with the field of activity of psychotherapists, clinical psychologists, narcologists, sexologists and neurologists. Psychiatrists work with therapists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists and other general practitioners to diagnose and treat some mental disorders.

Average cost of procedures

Prices shown are approximate. Accurate price of define Psychiatry procedure in definite clinic you can ask our managers.
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22 Hospitals

Here you can find information about Russian hospitals that carry out Psychiatry procedures.
Psychiatric clinics offer all types of consultations: consultations of an adult and child psychiatrist, consultations of a psychologist and a psychotherapist, individual, family and online, as well as consultations of a correctional teacher, sexologist, somnologist, forensic expert and hypnotherapist. In many clinics, related specialists (narcologist, neurologist) are receiving visits.
Hospital accepts
Inpatient department
Types of wards
Intensive care unit
Online consultations with doctors
Additional services
European Medical Center (EMC) in Orlovsky Lane
The European Medical Center in Orlovsky Lane is a modern high—tech clinic providing medical care according to international standards. The clinic has a children's and adult trauma center, an emergency room and an emergency room around the clock. The largest private orthopedic clinic in Russia, the EMC Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics, is also located here.
Visa assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

Medsi on Michurinsky
The multifunctional medical center MEDSI on Michurinsky Prospekt, located in the residential complex "Sky" in the west of Moscow, offers a wide range of medical services in various areas. This center is part of an eight-storey medical complex with an area of 33.4 thousand square meters, which includes a clinical and diagnostic center, day and night hospitals, as well as a pediatric department
Visa assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

MEDSI Clinical Hospital in Otradnoye
Medsi Clinical Hospital in Otradnoye is one of the leading medical institutions in Moscow, which has been providing high—quality medical services since 1988. The hospital has 700 beds, which makes it possible to provide medical care to a large number of patients. More than 25,000 operations, including high-tech medical care, are performed at the hospital every year. This indicates a high level of
Visa assistance
Accomodation assistance
MEDSI Clinical and Diagnostic Center on Belorusskaya
The MEDSI Clinical Diagnostic Center on Belorusskaya is one of the largest and most innovative multidisciplinary medical centers in Moscow. We offer a wide range of services for the diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of patients both on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting.
Visa assistance
Accomodation assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

GMS Clinic Sadovnicheskaya
GMS Clinic Sadovnicheskaya is a medical center that has no analogues in Russia. There is everything you may need for a comprehensive examination and full-fledged treatment: general practitioners, a family planning center with the strongest geneticists and embryologists, a prenatal diagnosis center, a mammology clinic, a 24-hour hospital, a psychological health clinic and ...
Visa assistance
GMS Clinic Smolenskaya
GMS Clinic on Smolenskaya is an outpatient polyclinic unit of GMS Clinic with a day hospital, a department of general practitioners, a pediatric department, specialists in the main areas such as allergologists, gastroenterologists, gynecologists, dermatologists, cardiologists, chiropractors, ophthalmologists, neurologists, urologists, endocrinologists, otorhinolaryngologists, traumatologists.
Visa assistance

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