2 Hospitals in Ivanovo, Russia (prices 2024, photos, addresses and specializations of clinics, etc.)

Hospitals in Ivanovo

Ivanovo is a large Russian city located in the interfluve of two large Russian rivers - the Klyazma and the Volga. It is noteworthy that the city has several "nicknames": for example, Ivanovo is called the Chintz Region, the City of Brides, the textile capital of Russia, as well as Russian and Red Manchester.
Here you can find information about 
2 hospitals 
located in Ivanovo.
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Hospital accepts
Inpatient department
Types of wards
Intensive care unit
Online consultations with doctors
Additional services
Clinic of Modern Medicine
Clinic of Modern Medicine is a modern multifunctional private medical institution offering a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic services. Equipped with high-tech equipment guarantees the accuracy and efficiency of the diagnosis. The service is provided to both adult patients and children. All medical activities of the clinic are carried out strictly under license.

Available online consultations with doctors

Clinic Europe
Medical Center "Europe" is a modern clinic that includes a 24-hour hospital with single and double wards, an intensive care unit, an operating unit and treatment rooms equipped with the latest technology.
Visa assistance
Accomodation assistance