Maxillofacial Surgery in Russia (9 hospitals, prices 2025, addresses and photos of clinics, etc.)

Maxillofacial Surgery in Russia

Oral and maxillofacial surgery is a branch of medicine specializing in the treatment of diseases and injuries of the bones of the facial skeleton, temporomandibular joints, soft tissues of the face and oral cavity. Closely associated with therapeutic and surgical dentistry, in some cases - with otolaryngology. Interventions in maxillofacial surgery include PHO of wounds, opening of purulent foci in the face, surgical and conservative methods of immobilization of fractures of the zygomatic bone, upper and lower jaw, arthroscopic methods of treatment and open surgery on the TMNS, as well as an extensive group of techniques used for cancer lesions tissues of the face and oral cavity.

Average cost of procedures

Prices shown are approximate. Accurate price of define Maxillofacial Surgery procedure in definite clinic you can ask our managers.
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9 Hospitals

Here you can find information about Russian hospitals that carry out Maxillofacial Surgery procedures.
Hospital accepts
Inpatient department
Types of wards
Intensive care unit
Online consultations with doctors
Additional services
SM-Clinic (Senezhskaya)
SM-Clinic on Senezhskaya street is one of the biggest clinics for adults. More than 150 doctors in 40 medical specialties are working here. The clinic provides patients with conservative and operative treatment.
Visa assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

Federal network of expert oncology clinics operating under the European Clinic brand is a Russian network of private specialized oncological centres that provide a full range of cancer diagnostics and treatment according to modern world standards. Our story began with the opening of one of the first private specialized oncological centres in Moscow.
Visa assistance
Accomodation assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

Morozovskaya Children’s City Clinical Hospital
The largest children's hospital in Russia and Europe. More than a third of the total number of hospitalized children in Moscow falls on the Morozovskaya hospital. Located on nine hectares in the historical center of the capital, it resembles a small town in its spirit. It is a multidisciplinary (31 profiles) clinical hospital and has 48 departments, including 34 clinical ones.
Visa assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

Private children’s clinic EMC
Private Children's Clinic EMC offers the assistance of specialists in all major medical fields: pediatricians, neurologists, otorhinolaryngologists, ophthalmologists, gastroenterologists, cardiologists, dermatologists, endocrinologists, allergists, psychotherapists, surgeons and many others.
Accomodation assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

Ilyinskaya Hospital
Ilyinsky Hospital is a modern polyclinic center that treats children and adults, helps in all urgent and planned cases. This is a family practice and outpatient and inpatient treatment with narrow specialists, ambulance and emergency care at home, this is patronage and palliative care, this is restorative medicine and prevention.

Available online consultations with doctors

Sechenov Moscow Medical University Clinical Center
Clinical Center of the First Moscow State Medical University is one of the three largest university clinics in Europe. The priority of the University Clinical Center is the provision of high-tech and specialized medical care by highly qualified specialists. More than 50% of surgical operations performed at the Clinical Center are endovideosurgical or robotic.

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