1 Hospitals in Surgut, Russia (prices 2024, photos, addresses and specializations of clinics, etc.)

Hospitals in Surgut

Surgut is one of the most beautiful Russian cities. The city is located on the right bank of the Ob River, 250 kilometers from the city of Khanty-Mansiysk. The geographical coordinates of the city are 73°26' east longitude and 61°15' north latitude. The area is 213 sq.km. The climate in Surgut is continental. The city is considered a major railway hub and river port. Surgut is also called the oil capital of Russia, and there are rich oil and gas fields in this area.
Here you can find information about 
1 hospitals 
located in Surgut.
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Hospital accepts
Inpatient department
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Intensive care unit
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Additional services
Yugra Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Center
Advanced medical equipment and high-tech cardiovascular surgery. 55 thousand heart surgeries performed in the Center indicate the professionalism of our team. Expertise. Excellence. Evolution.
Visa assistance

Available online consultations with doctors