2 Hospitals in Yekaterinburg, Russia (prices 2024, photos, addresses and specializations of clinics, etc.)

Hospitals in Yekaterinburg

Yekaterinburg is the capital of the Urals, a modern, dynamically developing city. It rightfully bears the status of the main scientific, cultural, industrial and business center of the Sverdlovsk region. Located on the eastern slope of the Ural Mountains, on the border of Europe and Asia, Yekaterinburg ranks fourth among Russian cities in terms of population and is included in the list of historical centers.
Here you can find information about 
2 hospitals 
located in Yekaterinburg.
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Hospital accepts
Inpatient department
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Intensive care unit
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Additional services
SMT-Clinic is a universal medical center. Here you can solve any health problem - from the simplest to the most difficult. Here you can and should be treated with the whole family: we are waiting for everyone, from newborns to pensioners. Both children and their parents and grandparents will receive high-quality diagnostics. In one place, quickly and comfortably.

Available online consultations with doctors

Medical Center “Healthy Family”
The Healthy Family Medical Support Center is not simply called that, the clinic is focused on health prevention, treatment and diagnostics for children and adults. Be always healthy, and if you need professional medical care, we are always glad to see you in our medical center!

Available online consultations with doctors