1 Hospitals in Krasnogorsk, Russia (prices 2024, photos, addresses and specializations of clinics, etc.)

Hospitals in Krasnogorsk

Krasnogorsk is one of the fastest growing cities in the Moscow region. The main reasons for this growth are large-scale housing construction and the associated influx of residents from other constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including Moscow), as well as the joining of a number of settlements to the city in 2004.
Here you can find information about 
1 hospitals 
located in Krasnogorsk.
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Ilyinskaya Hospital
Ilyinsky Hospital is a modern polyclinic center that treats children and adults, helps in all urgent and planned cases. This is a family practice and outpatient and inpatient treatment with narrow specialists, ambulance and emergency care at home, this is patronage and palliative care, this is restorative medicine and prevention.

Available online consultations with doctors