Obstetrics in Russia (14 hospitals, prices 2025, addresses and photos of clinics, etc.)

Obstetrics in Russia

Obstetrics is a science and direction of practical medicine, the field of study of which is the physiological and pathological processes occurring in the reproductive system of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and in the postpartum period. The tasks of clinical obstetrics are obstetrics, prevention of complications of pregnancy and childbirth, assistance to a woman and a child. Obstetrics is closely and directly related to gynecology - the science of women's health in general. Specialists of the treatment and prophylactic unit - obstetricians-gynecologists - ensure the protection of a woman's reproductive health at all stages of her life, training and monitoring the course of pregnancy, assistance during childbirth, and postpartum counseling. Close interdisciplinary ties combine obstetrics with perinatology, genetics, endocrinology, anesthesiology and other clinical disciplines.

Average cost of procedures

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14 Hospitals

Here you can find information about Russian hospitals that carry out Obstetrics procedures.
They specialize in pregnancy management and preparation for childbirth. The clinics receive the best obstetricians, gynecologists and ultrasound specialists. In private perinatal clinics, they treat infertility, genetic diseases, and miscarriage.
Hospital accepts
Inpatient department
Types of wards
Intensive care unit
Online consultations with doctors
Additional services
Volgograd Regional Clinical Perinatal Center No. 2
The main task of the center is to provide specialized medical care to women of reproductive age, pregnant women with a high risk of complications during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period, women in labor and newborns, premature babies, especially newborns with critically low birth weight, born both in the perinatal center and other maternity institutions
Clinical Hospital “Mother and Child” in Tyumen
Clinical Hospital "Mother and Child" in Tyumen is a multidisciplinary hospital for the whole family. We have united within one walls the services of specialists, the possibility of examination and treatment for the whole family at all stages of life. By ensuring professional continuity and a collegial approach to treatment.
Accomodation assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

Maternity Hospital EMC on Truth Street
Maternity Hospital of the European Medical Center meets the highest international standards: we have harmoniously combined the best in modern obstetrics and neonatology. The EMC maternity hospital is a logical continuation of our work in the field of gynecology, IVF, pregnancy management and pediatrics, which have always been among the priorities of the clinic.
Accomodation assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

Next Generation Clinic is an advanced fertility and genetics clinic, established in 2015 by a team of prominent Russian specialists with great expertise. Our services: IVF with own eggs, Egg and sperm donation, Infertility treatment, genetic laboratory, Postponed maternity, Surrogate maternity, NIPTs and pregnancy monitoring, Travel support.
Visa assistance
Accomodation assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

National Medical Research Center named after V.A.Almazov
The uniqueness of the Center lies in the harmonious combination of fundamental and applied research in various fields with the provision of multidisciplinary specialized, including high-tech, medical care to the population and continuous interdisciplinary training of scientific and medical personnel.
Visa assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

Berkana Сlinic
Berkana is a private clinic with an extensive medical experience. Being presented for more than 13 year in healthcare, nowadays Berkana presents four expert areas: Diagnostics, Oncology, Orthopedics and Traumatology and Rehabilitation. The treatment in Berkana clinic is based on international experience and is implemented jointly with foreign specialists according to international protocols.
Visa assistance
Accomodation assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

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