Medical Center "Rainbow of Health", Nizhny Novgorod, Russia (prices 2024, photos, address, specialization, etc.)

Medical Center "Rainbow of Health"

Address: Nizhny Novgorod, Komsomolskaya street, 2B.
Accepts: Adults and Children patients.
Inpatient department: Day.
Types of wards: Single, Double.
Doctors: 50.
Medical Center “Rainbow of Health”

About clinic

"Rainbow of Health" is a multidisciplinary medical center that provides treatment, examination and prevention of various diseases.

The name of our medical center "Rainbow of Health" fully reflects its content, as it covers most areas of medicine, just as the rainbow contains all the shades of color.

Our specialized medical center employs highly qualified universal doctors who provide professional assistance with high quality and on time.

Why us?

Medical center "Rainbow of Health" has developed a special approach to treatment, we carry out accurate diagnostics using European equipment and provide effective timely treatment.

Comfort and coziness

It's no secret that no one likes the "gray" hospital walls. Therefore, in the medical center you will find comfort, coziness, special design, modern technologies and the complete absence of typical hospital queues.

Quality treatment

Many of our specialists are doctors with vast experience and relevant knowledge base. The medical method uses a special therapeutic approach, which makes the treatment process easy and unobtrusive for adults and children.

Full support

The specialists of our medical center, using a special approach to the treatment of each patient, coupled with modern technologies, accompany you at all stages of treatment: from initial examination to complete rehabilitation.


Additional services and facilities


Booking of Online-Consultation

After submitting this form our manager will get in touch with you to inform cost of consultation of selected specialist and agree with you date-time slot for online-talk with doctor.

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When you want to have consultation*
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Submitting Request to Medical Center "Rainbow of Health"

For reviewing your case by doctors you need to fill form below.

When you plan to come to this medical institution?*
Please select within which time period you plan to come to hospital for procedures
Write your name and surname
Date of birth
Please select your date of birth
Write which country you contact us from
Write medical procedures you interested in, diagnosis, complaints or any other details of your medical request
Write your email
Write your phone number
Select what messenger you use on the specified number
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