Clinical and Diagnostic Center MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya, Moscow, Russia (prices 2025, photos, address, specialization, etc.)

Clinical and Diagnostic Center MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya

Part of medical group MEDSI.
Address: Moscow, Krasnaya Presnya street, 16.
Accepts: Adults and Children patients.
Has Intensive care unit.
Inpatient department: Day and 24-hour.
Types of wards: Single, Double.
Clinical and Diagnostic Center MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya

About hospital

Clinical and diagnostic center MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya, equipped with the latest technology, provides all types of medical services for adults and children. Modern diagnostic equipment allows you to identify the disease at the earliest stage and promptly start treatment.

One of the central divisions of the Center is a multidisciplinary hospital with 64 beds. Here, planned and emergency operations are carried out using innovative equipment and the latest achievements of modern medicine. The hospital includes an anesthesiology and intensive care unit for 6 beds and an operating unit with three rooms. Treatment here usually takes no more than 2-3 days, and all this time patients receive quality care.

The clinic uses two PHILIPS Ingenia magnetic resonance imaging machines of the latest generation with a magnetic field strength of 1.5 Tesla, including Ambient Experience technology, which, by combining projected images, specially selected lighting, music and architectural elements, creates a soothing atmosphere and comfort during the examination. ... High-quality images can be obtained very quickly with an MRI scan. At the same time, diagnostics is carried out for both children and patients in serious condition.

Also used for research is the PHILIPS diagnostic ultrasound system of the EPIQ 7 series - a revolutionary solution in premium ultrasound that provides an uncompromising level of clinical performance.

An appointment at a convenient time and the help of hall managers ensure a comfortable stay within the walls of the clinic.

When calling at home, our specialists have the ability to remotely access electronic cards, which allows them to see the complete picture of the patient's health before prescribing therapy.

Advantages of the Clinical and Diagnostic Center MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya

  • High-quality medical care and a high level of service
  • Responsibility for the result
  • Unique innovative Competence Centers
  • Comfort and ergonomics - for both doctors and patients (the clinic was designed by the Austrian company VAMED)
  • Availability of everything necessary for patients with disabilities
  • Convenient location within walking distance from the metro


Additional services and facilities

Accomodation assistance

Booking of Online-Consultation

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Submitting Request to Clinical and Diagnostic Center MEDSI on Krasnaya Presnya

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Date of birth
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