Rehabilitation center "Lesnoy", Novosibirsk, Russia (prices 2024, photos, address, specialization, etc.)

Rehabilitation center "Lesnoy"

Page is managed by hospital manager

Address: Novosibirsk, Lesnoe highway, 1.
Accepts: Adults patients.
Rehabilitation center “Lesnoy”

About clinic

Rehabilitation center "Lesnoy" specializes in rehabilitation treatment after arthroplasty; spine surgeries; stroke; injuries.
Each patient is offered an individual comprehensive program rehabilitation. In our center we are use widely the possibilities of modern physiotherapy, herbal medicine, physiotherapy exercises, reflexology, massage and methods of proprioception rehabilitation. The center is part of the Medical and Technological Cluster, where it performs scientific, innovative and clinical components for the development and implementation of rehabilitation technologies.

Rehabilitation center "Lesnoy" is located in Zaeltsovsky district, in a green, park area Novosibirsk sity.


Additional services and facilities

Accomodation assistance

Booking of Online-Consultation

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Submitting Request to Rehabilitation center "Lesnoy"

For reviewing your case by doctors you need to fill form below.

When you plan to come to this medical institution?*
Please select within which time period you plan to come to hospital for procedures
Write your name and surname
Date of birth
Please select your date of birth
Write which country you contact us from
Write medical procedures you interested in, diagnosis, complaints or any other details of your medical request
Write your email
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