Prevention of Gynecological diseases in Russia
Treatment in gynecological sanatoriums is indicated for women with the following pathologies:
- infertility of various origins,
- dysmenorrhea,
- endometritis,
- endometriosis,
- polycystic ovary syndrome,
- adhesions after surgery,
- climacteric disorders.
If there is an acute process, then the spa treatment will have to be postponed. You will also need to wait if less than two months have passed since the removal of polyps, cauterization of cervical erosions and other small interventions.
Sanatorium treatment of gynecological diseases begins with an examination. The diagnostic minimum is:
- general analysis and biochemistry of blood,
- general urine analysis,
- ECG,
- fluorography,
- Ultrasound diagnostics,
- gynecological smears to determine flora and hormonal activity.
These data must be in the health resort card.
If necessary, an additional examination is performed. Upon arrival and before departure, a consultation of doctors - gynecologist, endocrinologist, therapist is carried out, who, based on anamnesis and examination results, will prescribe the necessary procedures.
Sanatoriums specializing in gynecological diseases are subdivided according to the main therapeutic factor: mud baths and hydropathic baths (with hydrogen sulfide, iodine-bromine, nitrogen-silicon, radon water).
Treatment courses are long - at least 10 days. They may include gynecological baths, tampons, microclysters, irrigation, general baths, manual massage, aromatherapy, physiotherapy exercises, psychological relief. Among the methods of hardware physiotherapy in gynecological sanatoriums, electrophoresis, high-frequency therapy, electrosleep, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, galvanization and others are used.
Spa treatment helps to alleviate the physical and psychological condition of patients. Pain syndromes disappear (this is especially noticeable in women with painful menstruation), inflammation decreases, adhesions dissolve, hormones and general well-being improve. With climacteric problems, sleep is getting better, headaches disappear.
If you have any questions concerning sanatorium treatment in Russia our managers are ready to answer them 24/7
8 Sanatoriums
Diseases of the cardiovascular system, Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Diseases of the nervous system, Endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders, Gynecological diseases, Respiratory diseases, Skin diseases
Diseases of the cardiovascular system, Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, Diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, Diseases of the nervous system, Endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders, Gynecological diseases, Respiratory diseases, Skin diseases