Gamma knife in Russia (2 hospitals, prices 2024, addresses and photos of clinics, etc.)

Gamma knife in Russia

Gamma Knife treatment is one of the most effective and patient-safe methods of stereotactic radiosurgery. Its principle is based on the use of over 200 programmable micro-emitters. In the course of irradiation, low-power beams of photons are formed in the emitters defined by the treatment plan, focused on the neoplasm. These beams are not capable of causing harm to living tissues until their energy is combined in the cells of the target tumor.
  • Average cost of Gamma knife in Russian hospitals
    from $4000
Indicated cost is approximate. Accurate price of Gamma knife in certain clinic you can ask our managers.

2 Hospitals

Here you can find information about Russian hospitals that carry out Gamma knife.
Hospital accepts
Inpatient department
Types of wards
Intensive care unit
Online consultations with doctors
Additional services
Burdenko National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery
The National Medical Research Center for Neurosurgery named after Academician N.N.Burdenko is the leading neurosurgical institution of the Russian Federation, the leading neurosurgical clinic in the world with a rich history, the most modern equipment and a unique professional team.
Visa assistance
Accomodation assistance
Gamma Clinic
Gamma Clinic is located in Obninsk and is Center for High-Precision Radiology. Clinic performs operations on Gamma Knife device. This is a radiosurgical unit for the treatment of benign and malignant tumors and vascular malformations in the cranial cavity.
Accomodation assistance

Available online consultations with doctors

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