Clinic-sanatorium "Revital Park", Balashikha, Russia (prices 2024, photos, address, specialization, etc.)

Clinic-sanatorium "Revital Park"

Address: Moscow region, Balashikha, Leonovskoye highway, 2.
Year of foundation: 2007.
Accepts: Adults patients.
Inpatient department: 24-hour.
Types of wards: Single, Double, VIP.
Beds: 95.
Doctors: 12.
Revital Park

About clinic

Health clinic-sanatorium "Revital Park" offers its guests a whole range of various programs and procedures for full restoration of strength and health, detoxification of the body, correction of weight and shape, under the supervision of doctors of restorative medicine. The medical approach is based on the author's technique, proven by many years of experience in application.

Wellness programs and procedures, spa treatments and cosmetology services, the care of the medical staff in combination with the picturesque nature of the Moscow region help to restore the harmony of life, establishing a balance between body and soul.

The treatment complexes used in the programs allow activating the reserve mechanisms of self-healing and detoxification, and the formation of a conscious participation of patients in the healing process allows you to develop a stable motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

The main direction of the Revital Park clinic-sanatorium is the natural healing of the body with the help of specially developed programs of rehabilitation treatment:

  1. The author's programs of cleansing and restorative treatment of the body are unique methods of endoecological rehabilitation that contribute to the healing and restoration of the functioning of organs and systems. The healing effects are achieved through the use of a complex of natural health-improving factors aimed at activating one's own reserves and "health preservation mechanisms" of each person.
  2. The Anti-Stress Program is the Anti-Stress SPA Program, which consists of a specialized complex of relaxing spa treatments, balneological and healing techniques, relaxing massage, herbal medicine, exercise therapy and wellness classes aimed at relieving nervous and emotional stress, improving well-being, and increasing immunity. Under the supervision of a personal physician, the program promotes the retreat of modern diseases such as chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, emotional exhaustion and burnout.
  3. The SPA program is the SPA Travel Program, which is especially interesting for its various exotic treatments. A rich, comprehensive program takes you on a spa trip to different countries. These include various bath procedures: Russian, Japanese and Turkish baths, balneotherapy, relaxing Thai massages, stone therapy and other procedures. This complex of procedures immerses you in the world of pleasure, relieves you of psychological and physical fatigue, has a relaxing and regenerative effect, has an anti-stress and rejuvenating effect, and is aimed at improving the whole body.
  4. Nutritional support programs - based primarily on the physiological rate of weight loss, include all stages of achieving the set goals, as well as the stage of consolidating healthy eating habits.
  5. Wellness programs - group or individual wellness programs and fitness programs, including classes in a gym, aerobics and exercise therapy rooms, EMS training, a swimming pool, as well as vaping in a bath complex by the pool (hammam, Finnish sauna) in our WELLNESS club clinic-sanatorium.

Clinical effects

More than 160 different wellness techniques are performed in our clinic. We offer the widest, unparalleled range of health services.

As a result of our rehabilitation programs:

  • Normalization of blood pressure indicators, and stabilization of the course of hypertension, a decrease in the atherogenic index; lowering the level of dangerous lipoproteins (cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL).
  • Improving blood glucose levels in metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes.
  • Decrease in body mass index in overweight and obese patients of varying degrees.
  • Improving the ratio of body composition indicators based on bioimpedance data, an increase in active cell mass in relation to body fat mass.
  • Stabilization of the course and reduction of clinical manifestations in a number of chronic conditions: skin diseases, bronchial asthma and others.
  • Restoring the work of the digestive system, improving the biochemical parameters of liver function (ALT, AST, GGT).
  • Correction of disturbed eating behavior, creating motivation for a healthy lifestyle, increasing vitality and level of activity.
  • Reducing the manifestations of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Methodology of the clinic-sanatorium "Revital Park"

From the standpoint of modern views on health, we understand that the safety of the body is directly related to the ability to resist the penetration of dangerous and toxic substances inside.

The routes of entry of toxins can be different: through the respiratory system, through the skin, through the digestive system, or through the intestinal barrier.

For example, various medicinal substances, xenobiotics, toxic substances and enterotoxins of bacteria penetrate quite actively and well through the digestive system.

Various toxic compounds are capable of exerting both a direct damaging effect on the cells of the body and indirectly, when cellular structures are damaged through a chain of active biochemical processes, their functions are disrupted and, as a result, various diseases and symptoms arise.

Thus, it can be concluded that the active elimination of toxic substances and elements, as well as blocking the mechanisms of their damaging action on the body's structures, is a guarantee of their relatively low health hazard.

The author's methodology of the Revital Park clinic-sanatorium is based on the factors of natural impact on the body:

  • Diet therapy or, as prescribed by the attending physician, carrying out fasting days - therapeutic fasting, as well as juice therapy and other options for fasting days.
  • A program of cleansing procedures aimed at detoxifying the body and restoring the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract (for this purpose, phyto-teas, mineral water are used).
  • Herbal medicine aimed at the treatment and prevention of existing diseases.
  • A course of lymphatic drainage, physiotherapy and balneological procedures that stimulate metabolic and restorative processes in the body - massage, underwater shower massage, therapeutic baths and showers, hydrocolonotherapy and much more.
  • Ozone therapy is a modern healing technique that improves the functions of the cardiovascular and immune systems of the body.


  • Formation of a conscious participation of patients in the wellness process by conducting thematic lectures, psychologist classes and daily consultations with experienced doctors who are constantly monitoring patients.
  • The possibility of complete relaxation and "immersion" in the wellness process.
  • Various types of wellness activities, Nordic walking, visits to the swimming pool with a sauna complex.

Indications for the course of treatment

The combination of knowledge of traditional and alternative medicine in our clinic is combined into a unique complex of medical and recreational techniques, adapted to the health of any person. All programs are designed taking into account the prolonged action after.

Prevention of aging (antiage), cleansing and healing of the body:

  • cleansing and healing the body;
  • aging prevention;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • improvement of microcirculation in tissues and organs;
  • creation of conditions for recovery and cell regeneration;
  • increasing motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Weight loss and body shaping, prevention of the development of diseases associated with overweight and obesity:

  • diabetes prevention;
  • correction of disorders in "metabolic syndrome";
  • prevention of heart attack and stroke;
  • prevention of diseases of the joints and spine;
  • correction of eating behavior.

Impact on stress and its consequences:

  • restoration of strength and energy in "chronic fatigue syndrome";
  • prevention of functional cardiovascular disorders and high blood pressure;
  • improvement of health and mood;
  • recovery from sleep disorders, anxiety and depression;
  • prevention of sexual dysfunctions.


Before undergoing programs and procedures, you must familiarize yourself with the contraindications and consult with the doctor of our clinic.

  • Oncological diseases.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Condition after surgery up to 6 months. Operations on the gastrointestinal tract no earlier than 1 year later, it is necessary to have a specialist opinion on the profile of the disease and discharge from the hospital.
  • Acute viral hepatitis.
  • Sexually transmitted diseases (syphilis, gonorrhea).
  • Chronic viral hepatitis with a degree of activity - medium and high.
  • Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV, AIDS).
  • Addiction.
  • Age over 70.
  • As well as various diseases of internal organs and body systems in the stage of exacerbation or decompensation, when inpatient care or constant medical supervision and support is required (in this case, the decision on the possibility of undergoing health programs is made on the basis of prior consultation with the doctors of the clinic).



What diseases are treated

Additional services and facilities

Accomodation assistance

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