Neurological treatment and diagnostic clinic "Health", Yalta, Russia (prices 2024, photos, address, specialization, etc.)

Neurological treatment and diagnostic clinic "Health"

Page is managed by hospital manager

Address: Yalta, Mayakovskiy street, 3.
Accepts: Adults patients.

Tap to book

Available online consultation with doctors.
Doctors: 12.
Medical staff: 3.
Neurological treatment and diagnostic clinic “Health”

About clinic

A specialized center where doctors of various profiles are gathered, who treat neurological and concomitant diseases of adults and children and restore the body after injuries and operations.

The narrow specialization and systematic approach allows us to focus on each patient: we have time to listen to you and explain why you got sick and how to recover faster.

We professionally relieve pain and improve the standard of living of patients suffering from diseases of the nervous system and the musculoskeletal system.

We also have comprehensive treatment programs. These are effective and well-developed combinations of hardware techniques and medical manipulations that we carry out on the territory of the clinic. Each type of treatment has a directed effect on the problem area, while at the same time healing the entire body as a whole.

If there is a need for additional examinations in other medical institutions, then "Health" will act as a curator. The center will take care of all issues and full control of further processes.

Reception at the clinic is carried out by:

  • Therapist
  • Adult neurologist
  • Pediatric neurologist
  • Cardiologist
  • Reflexologist
  • Orthopedist-traumatologist
  • Ultrasound doctor
  • Psychotherapist
  • Physiotherapist
  • Cosmetologist


Booking of Online-Consultation

After submitting this form our manager will get in touch with you to inform cost of consultation of selected specialist and agree with you date-time slot for online-talk with doctor.

Specialization of doctor*
Select specialization of doctor you want to have online-talk with
When you want to have consultation*
Please select when you want to talk with doctor
You can write details of your request
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Submitting Request to Neurological treatment and diagnostic clinic "Health"

For reviewing your case by doctors you need to fill form below.

When you plan to come to this medical institution?*
Please select within which time period you plan to come to hospital for procedures
Write your name and surname
Date of birth
Please select your date of birth
Write which country you contact us from
Write medical procedures you interested in, diagnosis, complaints or any other details of your medical request
Write your email
Write your phone number
Select what messenger you use on the specified number
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